A little Something for Rachelle
Over at "Living Between Wednesdays", Rachelle has been having a little contest that combines her love of Superheroes and Hocky. Two tastes that go great together. Sea of Green has put up some of her hubbie's pictures up over at "Hoosier Journal of Inanity" and they are fabulous.
This is my version of Green Lantern Hocky Night.

I did this yesturday afternoon. I apologize for any inaccuracies. I haven't actually been to a game in quite a number of years...ever since the Hartford Whalers left Connecticut for South Carolina...or is it North Carolina? Anyway, they became the Hurricans, but they'll always be the Whalers to me. We may have never won much, and we played in a mall, but by God, we had our own song called Brass Bonanaza, that they played whenever they scored a goal. It's a GREAT song!
I forget how well you can draw, Sally!
And, I'm (ass)uming Kyle's pose is intentional?
(tee hee)
I LOVE this! Just love it! :-D
It was SO intentional.
You haven't been to a game until you've watched the Tulsa Drillers take on the Oklahoma City Blazers.
The Terrors of the Turnpike battle it out like it's nobodies business.
Holy Wow! You a REALLY good artist.
I'm in awe of how fantastic this picture is, Sally. You are so talented at drawing figures and including tons of personality! By Guy's expression, I have to imagine he was just let out of the penalty box. *g*
Someone send this to DC so we can get a Sally-penciled Green Lantern one-shot.
You're all making me blush.
Wow, add me to the list of people who didn't realize you were such an artist!
Lantern penalty box, HA -- they'd never get to play because they'd ALL be in the penalty box all the time. Except maybe Kyle, but then Kyle should just stay in that position he's in right there, because he's just going to end up in it again in five minutes anyway.
Oh, Arisia. And Salaak is playing. Or maybe he's the referee who always gets smashed between two players. And using Kilowog as the goalie is cheating, because he doesn't have to move -- he just blocks the whole goal by standing there.
And your Whalers became my home team when they moved to NC. Til I moved away from them, at least. But I'll always be fond of them.
I hate to admit this, but they actually started playing better once they moved to North Carolina.
You realize that it looks like the other lanterns are trying to stop Kilowog from doing something unspeakable to Kyle, right?
Great picture though! I've read your blog for ages, BTW, but never commented before. Catching up on a week's posts is a laundry-day ritual for me!
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