A Salute!
It has to be no surprise that I simply adore a fine taut Green Lantern behind. But it has recently dawned on me, that there are OTHER fine backsides, just lurking out there in the DC Universe. I daresay that even Marvel may harbor a few really spectacular asses.
Wait...that didn't come out quite right.
Anyway, I think that I may devote an entire week to the celebration of some really fine tushes.
For example:

I give you Wildcat!
He may be old, he may be rough, tough and a little cranky, but by crackey, I just love Ted "Wildcat" Grant. He's a man so secure with himself that he actually wears toe socks. But that's one fabulous rear end.
Forget the butt...looks at those back muscles! Ted must be able to benchpress 500 lbs. or something. I bet he could out-Chuck Norris Chuck Norris.
He HAS to be really confortable with who he is to wear that uniform... he´s a great character indeed, althought I will not get into further studying his rear end. I´m far too busy enjoying my new rings :P
Ted IS amazing. He's one of my favorite old farts.
Fernando, you just keep admiring your rings.
Speaking as a 100% straight male, that's a damned fine derriere. You could bounce Kennedy half dollars off that thing, and Ted's old enough to have some lying around.
I suppose bringing up Nightwing for the 'Fine posterior' week would be too obvious?
Yeah, Nightwing's tushie is definitely worth admiring. It's definitely always (consistently) looked better than Dick Grayson's hair.
I gotta admit, my favourite DCU butts have always been Nightwing and Booster Gold.
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Fernando, you sound like me from a week ago. When they all came in I was just holding them in my hands for like ten minutes saying, "MINE!"
I second Maddy's nomination of Booster Gold.
I think it says something about me that the first thing I noticed in that picture was the Kirby Dots.
And fine Kirby dots they are, Mac.
Ohhhhhh, I see it. Things are getting hot around this place, uh, Sally?
Still, Ted amazes me. How old is he? He could out run Cher on this.
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