My God, it was a mob scene at work today. I work at a tire store, and since we've been having eerily warm weather, we haven't been selling snow tires. But there is an actual snowstorm forcast for this evening and tomorrow, so all the procastinators suddenly woke up and realized that yes, this IS New England and it Will Snow Eventually. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, people!
It should be interesting making it to the Comic Book store tomorrow, I can tell you that. I am also in something of a tizzy,because I went to The Savage Critics site, where they are always so good about posting the books coming out...and although there were quite a number of excellent books, there WASN'T Green Lantern Corps!
So I need something to take my mind off of Guy's going bonkers over Kyle's heroic death. I thought that this would do nicely. Also, Saranga and Liss will probably like it.

I know that I do.
No Guy going sick all over the badies? I can´t wait one more week! I just can´t!!!
You were correct!
although those pants are horrible.
Another whole week! Gah!
They ARE horrible pants, but I can overlook that.
I can only assume they're construct pants.
I love the image, bad pants and all. :)
It's a lovely image. I think that this was in the early days, when Kyle's sartorial instincts were less developed. Unlike his pecs.
LOL. Yep, Sally, you guessed right.
Was the Justice League doing a charity calendar or something and is Kyle Mr. April? And May? And June?
Ragnell, those DO look like construct pants!!!
Hal wears BOXERS. ;-)
...that just ain't right...
Actually, on second thought, it kind of looks like a chastity belt...
Maybe this is after Hal finds out who the girlfriend's old man is.
LOL Ragnell! See, now it all makes sense, Sally!
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