Well, I just came across some very nice news. I've been kvetching a little bit here and there about the action figures that I want to see...and lo and behold apparently somebody at DC has similar tastes or something because just feast your eyes on THIS...!

It's Ice! I've been pining for an Ice figure for the longest time, and now there is going to be one. In her original costume no less. I actually prefer the second one, but at this point I don't even care. Now we just need Fire to go with her.
And that's not all!

Yes, it is G'nort Esplanade G'neesmacher in all of his glory! And he's utterly adorable. I swear that Shelly had a picture of Black Canary in her outfit from the old JLI days. It was a hideous costume, but gosh, if I can put together the full Justice League from the Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire days, I DON'T CARE!
I'm giggling like a schoolgirl. A schoolgirl with TOYS!
Both are gorgeous but I don't like the costume of Ice too much flesh discovered...
Do we know where G'nort is by the way?
Finally I find a petition for the come back of Ch'p, if you want to take a look :
Those are some long gams on Ice
Ditto what gyuss said. That's a lotta leg, there.
G'nort is a figure that's long been overdue. Though he might make a better mini-mate...
I am just excited that G'Nort is coming as an action figure. All we need now is a Kyle in his current costume, Arisia, that Butterfly Girl Lantern, Soranik Natu, and of course Ch'p to have a complete Corp...
(Of course I suppose that you should probably include Isamot and his Rannian partner, but eh? I don't think I care all that much about them.)
I thought of you, Sally, as soon as I saw that pic in the DC Direct solicits. Slowly, they're doing the figs we want. :)
First Jonah Hex, now G'nort. Can 'Mazing Man be far behind?
There are still a boatload of figures that I'd love to have, like a Warrior version of Guy, and a non-crazy Max and Oberon would be nice, but at least some of the figures that I am panting for are coming out.
It's nice that they are coming out with something OTHER than the 865th version of Batman for a change.
I'd love Sasha from Checkmate, the way she looks now. She'd go great with my Mr. Terrific!
There are also a lot of JSAers I'd love to see done, too. And a nice Oracle.
Has there ever been an Oracle figure? Because we need one. Also Zinda and Manhunter, and Misfit and Barda and Ma Hunkel.
They did a BoP set a while back, before I was collecting figs. Oracle, Black Canary, and maybe another. I've seen the set on eBay occasionally and it's not cheap.
A Zinda figure would be awesome. And I love Misfit's costume, so she'd be fun, too. And yes, a nice Barda would be worth buying.
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