Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: So So Reviews

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

So So Reviews

To top off a perfectly horrible Wednesday, there were only three books waiting for me at the Comic Book Store.

The Flash #10

I haven't been reading the Flash, because...well, because it has been pretty dull.  And this Wally, although he seems like a perfectly nice young man, isn't MY Wally.  But the cover caught my eye, because it has the Shade, and I LOVE The Shade!

Well...this isn't MY Shade either.


Green Lantern Corps #8

Boy Howdy, but John is a bit of a pain. All he does is whine and moan.  I understand that he has a lot on his plate, but still!  Soranik and her kidnapped Sinestro Corps members go back with Guy to meet up with the Green Lantern Corps.  Naturally John gives her some grief, but I was happy to see that Iolande was glad to see her, as was Soranik to see her old partner. 

Then they find out that the explosion was Hal, who wasn't evil, but actually fighting FOR the GLC.  Seriously, Kilowog, you couldn't have figured that out? In fact you knew it all along, because it was exactly the sort of idiotic idea that Hal would come up with.  But anyway, Hal's ring shows up in front of Ganthet and Sayd, whose vacation seems to be over.

Not a bad issue, but nothing too exciting either.

Wonder Woman #10

Nicola Scott is back...Woo Hoo!  I do love her artwork.

We have more of Diana learning to adapt to Man's World, as she goes out on the town with Barbara, Steve and Etta and they all start to learn to communicate. Unfortunately the mall is under attack, and she goes to town and shows them all exactly the sort of gifts that were bestowed upon her by her Gods. 

It's lovely.

And that's that! 


At 10:40 PM, Blogger ShellyS said...

Wonder Woman was wonderful. And I've been enjoying Flash.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Wonder Woman was delightful as always. I haven't been reading the Flash for quite a while...where the heck have the Rogues gone? I love the Rogues!

At 1:55 PM, Blogger ShellyS said...

I think the Rogues will be back in future issues. But the first story arc dealt with a lot of people getting speed powers, which was fun and interesting, as one of Barry's detective friends got super speed and had a different view of superpowers than Barry has. It was a good story arc.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Jimmythejiver said...

Sorry I'm late to the party, but Flash issue #9 before this issue was good. It had both older Wally and younger Wally meet and I think he got through to the younger one better than Barry's been doing so I expect more of that to play out in the future.

As for The Shade, I don't want to jump the gun because I have been wrong before, but seeing as how the timeline has been altered and years were stolen, I wager those years were when Shade was in Opal City and that he's been reset back to before he reformed. Perhaps by the end of the story arc he'll remember and go back to The Shade we like. I figure if you're going to in-universe write off the New52 as a time anomaly do something with it.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger SallyP said...

All these rebirth are making me... grumpy.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Mista Whiskas said...

Yeah, I don't get why after so much great work in developing Shade they would go and do this.

At 4:20 AM, Blogger JimmyTheJiver said...

Just read Issue Flash 11. All a misunderstanding, Shade's doubts fueled the shadows to work on there own without his control and they kidnapped Hope, his girlfriend, so he went to the Shadowlands to find her and he couldn't or leave for some reason, so he sent out a shadow to contact Barry and ended up getting Kid Flash instead when he pursued the shadow and got sucked up into the Shadowlands. Shade's not back to villainy, those shadows are out of control projections, not him, he's still his dapper self very in love with Hope and his Starman arc is intact.

There's more going on in the plot involving the shadows corrupting Hope and Iris who are now queens of the Shadowlands, but that's got to be temporary and wouldn't put stock in it havign lasting effects, or changes just a diversion.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous kenney said...

Barry and ended up getting Kid Flash instead when he pursued the shadow and got sucked up into the Shadowlands. Shade's not back to villainy, those shadows are out of control projections, not him, he's still his dapper self very in love with Hope and his Starman arc is intact.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Plumber said...

Barry and ended up getting Kid Flash instead when he pursued the shadow and got sucked up into the Shadowlands. Shade's not back to villainy, those shadows are out of control projections, not him, he's still his dapper self very in love with Hope and his Starman arc is intact.


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