Wonderful Wednesday
There's nothing like the end of the month, when there seems to be a veritable tsunami of books coming out. Including Green Lantern #50, which I am looking forward to with great anticipation.
But in the meantime, I've got my photobucket stuff working again. Actually, I didn't do anything, it just all magically reappeared, as suddenly as it had formerly disappeared.
But I do like this.

I can't remember the exact title of the book, but it was a one-shot,about some young reporter type who managed to stow away on the JLA Satellite, and was taking pictures and hiding out, and provided an amusing look at our favorite heroes when they were just lounging around and not necessarily saving the world. The party was one that Plastic Man and a few others decided to hold, and it's a lot of fun trying to pick everyone out.
I'm not too sure about Guy in the black sleeveless tanktop, but the sun glasses are to die for.
Welcome To The Working Week by Patton Oswalt?
Omigosh, is that REALLY Herman "The Blimp" Cramer back there?
-- oops, nevermind -- it IS Herman Cramer. I just noticed the rest of the Inferior Five standing around him.
Gosh, I miss those guys.
Wow, how did they manage to get Cass Cain to show up? I figured she'd be too busy stopping muggings.
I think it was a good choice by those two ladies not to attend the Doom Patrol party. Niles Caulder would probably be recording it all, the creepy weirdo. Are those two ladies anyone in particular?
Also who drew it? It looks a little Ed McGuiness-ish, but I'm not sure.
Guy is looking very... 80's macho, there? Sort of reminds me of my uncle that I used to think was cool, because he drove a corvette and listened to Michael Jackson and stuff like that. He always used to wear sunglasses and gold chains, too.
Guy looks good in the tank-top... though it makes me realize that, outside of his time as Warrior, we almost never see him dress down, do we? It's always long sleeves and jackets.
Forget "The Blimp"...I dig the chick in the knee-highs and the short-shorts, center panel!
Also, this is a key moment when you'd love to see somebody fly out of the blue and crack Gardner right in the face!
Black tank and sunglasses indoors?! What a tool!
A tool? Guy?
No no, my friend, you have the Green Lantern hierarchy of foolishness all wrong!
Here's how it goes:
Hal = tool
Guy = jerk
Kyle = doofus
John = dork WITH A GUN
Sinestro = nerd (seriously, think about it)
Salaak = buzzkill
Yat = brat
Soranik = nerd junior WITH GUNS (and I don't mean the shooty kind)
Iolande = princess
Kilowog = ... (Nothing. Honestly, would you call him something to his face? Didn't think so.)
Oh, and don't forget:
Arisia = jailbait
Is it just me or does Impulse look very, very drunk (and with Ted Kord suspiciously egging him on to do something).
there are a awful lot of minors in that party :P
Anonymous, that sounds right.
I love all the cameos. It's aMAZing the number of people who showed up!
As for art, it looks suspiciously like Pat Gleason to me.
Poops, my dear...that's dangerous talk around here.
Duskdog...you've hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head...as usual. But yes, it's nice to see Guy in something other than his uniform. And to see Cass without that mask. She look sas though she's actually enjoying herself.
Oh God, it's true. Sinestro is the ULTIMATE Nerd!
Black Racer cruising by outside, so who inside is doomed to die?
I'm just surprised they got a Guardian to come.
I looked it up, the art is by Pat Gleason.
Duskdog, that made me laugh!!
IF the Guardians actually got out and enjoyed themselves once in a while, they wouldn't be in the fix that they are currently in.
Dwayne, I didn't even notice the Black Racer until you pointed him out. There are a lot of people in that room that are dead, which is TOO depressing.
It is Gleason? God, I'm impressed with myself.
A Guardian? A GUARDIAN? Who the hell sent out the invites that week?!?
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