Saturday, December 01, 2007
About Me
- Name: SallyP
- Location: Windsor Locks, Connecticut, United States
I am a middle-aged suburban housewife with four kids and a husband, two dogs and a cat who has trouble figuring out what the litter box is for. I probably have waaaay too much time on my hands. Actually, in updating this, the cat is gone, and most of the kids have moved out, but we still have all of their stuff, so it is a good thing that we have a big house. Also, I have become a Grandmother!
Oooh, la, la! Such a splendid backside! You did well, Sally! :-)
Barely poseable, huh? Well, Hal always was a bit of a stiff. Too bad he doesn't come with batteries -- er, I mean -- a power battery. ;-)
I feel so sorry for poor little Guy down there, though. Talk about a precarious position!
By the way, seen Hal's portrayal in All Star Batman and Robin this month? Unflattering to say the least.
^^ Can you post a close up of mini-Guy, I didn't see it very well and it seems very funny.
I am shocked that you start to the majority who places Hal on a tenth scale at least from Guy ^^^this picture is a sign !
Hourrah for Guy !
Good purchase Sally ^^
It kinda looks like Hal pooped out the mini Guy.
Isn't he just the ginchiest? I haven't bought ASBAR, Patrick, but I DID read the pages with Hal from Scans Daily, and just cracked up, it was sooooooooo bad.
Dammit, I should have posed Hal with a hotdog!
Isn't mini-Guy just too sweet for words? He came with a mini-Kilowog, and they are just so cute.
And no, Dwayne, Hal did not poop out Guy. Tiny or not, Guy could take him.
Neat! I hadn't even seen that one before.
I was thinking of a eight or nine inch one, with a cloth costume, kinda Mego-style.
Googam, I don't have the slightest idea where he came from. All I know is that he was in a glass case, and had fallen over and was apparently molesting a bust of Wonder Woman, before I decided I had to have him.
In other words, typical Hal behavior.
And Sea? Batteries? For shame!
I know, I'm sorry -- that batteries joke was completely tasteless on my part. I gotta quit reading Frank Miller's "Goddamn Batman." ;-)
I finally acquired my comics for the past week! Waaahooo!!!
Hee hee!
And congratulations on finally getting your books! Sheesh!
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