Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: I Stayed Up Late

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Stayed Up Late

Yes, I actually managed to make it to Midnight, so that I could watch Robot Chicken, and its salute to DC Comics.  And even though I am SO tired today...I am glad that I did, because it was frikkin' hilarious.  It was bad enough the terrible terrible things that they were doing to Aquaman, but having Bane come by every couple of minutes and break Batman's back all over again, was a hoot.  Also, when Superman used his "Forget-Me Kiss" on Lois, and then realized that he could use it for a LOT MORE GOOD STUFF! 

Lex Luthor was a riot.  Sinestro was a riot.  It was irreverent, and silly and outrageous, and God help me, I loved it. 

Also...Ice showed up.  And Booster made an appearance, although he didn't say anything.  So it was WORTH it.

I miss this DC Universe.


At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And thank you for mentioning it here - I wouldn't have noticed otherwise and I loved it too

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Cat said...

Man! I completely forgot about this. I meant to dvr it. I hope they repeat it, sounds hilarious!

At 11:59 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

It was a little on the insane side. Oh, who am I kidding? It was COMPLETELY on the insane side.

But in a good way. I particularly liked the Secret Santa drawing at the Injustice League headquarters.


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