Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: Something to Look Forward To

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Monday, October 05, 2015

Something to Look Forward To

I have been delighted to learn that apparently, Mark Waid

 and Chris Samnee are going to team up again and do a Black Widow book. This is a good thing. I like Natasha and I love the work that þhis dynamic duo puts out. So, there is another book to look forward to. 

That is also a good thing considering the desert that September had turned out to be.  Hopefully things will improve in October.  Is Secret Wars still going on? Will it ever end?

Supposedly Squirrel Girl and Howard the Duck will be back. I am also looking forward to Thor, although I still miss Loki: Agent of Asgard terribly.  I do believe Ms. marvel is going to be an Avenger, which can only be fun, but is her solo book still going to continue?

I am still in a bit of shock over the fact that... somehow most of my favorite books seem to be Marvel books. They have really  been doing a pretty good job lately of putting out fun quirky books.  DC is cancelling the Green Lantern Corps which breaks my heart, and Hal's book stinks which makes my heart break a little more. Almost everything else seems so grim and overblown and terribly terribly serious. So... not much fun, although Section Eight has its own peculiar charm, although I don't really see how Garth Ennis can keep the joke going too much longer.

Umm...I seem to have veered off on a tangent here. I guess what I am saying, is that although I seem to be pretty jaded lately, there does seem to be a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. And that is something to look forward to.


At 12:32 PM, Blogger JimmyTheJiver said...

Yeah as soon as I saw that announcement, I was excited. Luckily one of my comics is a mini-series and will end, freeing up room for 2016 in my pull list.

From the solicits it does seam that Ms. Marvel will have her own book relaunched with the same writer and with an additional artist alongside the one already on it from what I remembered.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger ShellyS said...

Yeah, Ms. Marvel will return and I'm looking forward to the new Black Widow book, too. I'll be glad when Secret Wars ends, too. And I also am amazed I've been reading more Marvels than DC Comics, but I read more Image comics than from either of the other two.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Erin S. said...

I thought Section Eight was either a mini series or got cancelled. I try not to get too excited over new books in case I'm let down but I' admit I'm excited about the Titans Hunt and Back to the Fututres minis. BTTF I believe is from IDW. I think the only Marvel things I'm getting are Star Wars trades and a trade with Spider-Girl.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Deron said...

I have a hunch that there will be an event or mini-series that will re-launch the GLC ongoing title.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger SallyP said...

I am quite relieved to hear that Ms Marvel will have its own book. I also would not be surprised if Section Eight either is... or is rebranded
as a mimi series.

There NEEDS to be a book with Guy Gardner in it!


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