Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: Oh, Sweet Sweet Wednesday

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh, Sweet Sweet Wednesday

It's slightly cooler, and an altogether completely lovely day, to take a ride to my beloved local Comic Book Store. There was a fair amount of talk about the upcoming books in September, and the feeling seems to be cautious optimism...with a fair amount of healthy skepticism. We also discussed DC's braindead attitude towards attracting new customers, but only gearing the books to the same OLD fan base. When I pointed out that I was neither 18 years old, nor male, but still loved comics, there was a lot of laughter, and several of the other guys pointed out that they might be male, but they sure as heck weren't 18 either. The cameraderie was lovely.

But there is ONE thing that has caught my eye, and made me lust for October.


Ohhhhhh...I will be in Heaven. That cover is lovely, and the list of artists is even more lovely. And James Robinson of course, will be writing, and however much I may think that he's slipped a bit as of late, if there is one character that Mr. Robinson was born to write, it is the Shade.

Oh Joy!


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