Hal Pictures Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!: Oh Sweet Spring

Green Lantern Butt's FOREVER!

Now with Guy Gardner's Seal of Approval!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Oh Sweet Spring

The daffodils are blooming, the leaves are budding... and we are of course doing yard work in preparation for warm weather.

Which is why I am currently covered in poison ivy. In my defense, I had no idea that there were vines mixed in with the leaves in the flower bed, and... and I am just one itchy mess.

Damn this would be the perfect weapon for a super villain!

"scratch, scratch"


At 8:39 PM, Blogger ShellyS said...

Eek! I hope you're non-itchy soon.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Oh god, me too!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger googum said...

That is terrible! I'm glad I've never lived anywhere with poison ivy, poison oak, scorpions, tarantulas, or any of that. Right, like it's so habitable here...

At 12:43 PM, Blogger SallyP said...

Well New England doesn't have tarantulas or scorpions... thank god! We do have mean raccoons though.

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better! And as far as the name of a super-villain? How about POISON IVY? winky winky

At 6:28 AM, Blogger SallyP said...

Well, yes. But does she actually make people blister and itch?


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